10 Best Online Lossless Image Compressor Tools

Image Compressor
The image is a highly important component of any website, email, or social media post, but what if the same image causes a website to load slowly or upload slowly?
Even if your website has high-quality content, if the image takes too long to load, visitors will lose interest and go to one of your competitors. User waits 4-5 seconds for any online page to load, according to one survey.
Google dislikes websites that take longer to load and have lower rankings.
Therefore, in order to solve this issue and save bandwidth, we should scale down the size of our high-megapixel image.
Table of Contents Top
Ten image compression tools
1. TinyPNG
2. JPEG Compressor (Free)
3. JPEGmini (Free/Premium)
4. Compressnow (Free)
5. compress now (Free)
6. Caesium
7. Image optimizer
8. CompressJPEG (Free)
9. Kraken.io (Free)
10. optimizilla (Free)
Top 10 Image Compression Tools
1. TinyPNG
TinyPNG employs clever lossy compression methods to minimise the size of your files. By reducing the number of colours in an image, fewer bytes are required.clever lossy compression methods. By selectively reducing the number of colours in the image, fewer bytes are required to hold the data. The result is hardly noticeable, but it significantly reduces file size!
Since the effect is so subtle but the file size decrease is so great, you can actually no longer tell the difference between your original image and the compressed one.

2. JPEG Compressor (Free)
powerful online tool for reducing image size without sacrificing image quality, supported by many formats, and maintaining good quality with little difference between before and after compression
Utilize this free online image compressor to reduce the file size of your photographs while maintaining the quality of the original JPEG, JPG, PNG, SVG, GIF, Heic, and WEBP files. The GIF images and compressed picture files can be saved or downloaded with a single click. It works with

3. JPEGmini (Free/Premium)
JPEGmini is a patent-pending photo recompression technology that drastically shrinks the size of photographs without degrading their perceived quality and reduces page load time, bandwidth costs, and storage requirements.

4. Compressnow (Free)
The finest feature of this application is that you can choose the compression level, allowing the weight of the images to be reduced in accordance with that level. You can select up to 10 images at a time from your desktop computer or device. Up to 9 Mb of images can be uploaded.Utilize online image compression to make your photographs smaller in file size. You can easily compress image files without installing any software.It could be beneficial to reduce the size of photographs on a website.
5. compress2go (free)
You frequently have to sacrifice the quality of your images when file size is an issue. You don’t have to make this tradeoff, though, thanks to Simple Image Resizer! Your photographs and pictures can be resized without losing quality. Simple Image Resizer can be used without the need to install any additional software on your computer. You can submit the photographs you wish to resize by visiting www.simpleimageresizer.com and browsing. Simple Image Resizer is compatible with the following file types: JPEG, JPG, PNG, BMP, and GIF.
This is a free website optimization application that significantly shrinks your image files without sacrificing quality. You must purchase the pro edition of this utility to increase your file’s efficiency by 60–70%. After you upgrade, you can additionally compress the image for mobile.
6. Caesium
Image compression is open-source software, downloaded more than a million times worldwide. One of the most popular image techniques is cisium.
Everyone will be able to achieve the best outcome by offering a straightforward but effective interface with a real-time preview and the ability to process multiple images simultaneously. Additional capabilities, including options for storing metadata or support for folder structures, are available for advanced users.
7. Image optimizer
It not only aids in image optimization but also in image conversion from one format to another. Direct image URL entry and image compression are both available here.
This free online service lets you resize, compress, and optimise your image files. The service is simple to use—just click a button! They work better as email attachments, online pages, or even disc storage. Try it right away!

Under the auspices of Compress PNG, broaden the scope of your image-related concerns. It is one of the best online image compressors and offers its users both format conversion and image optimization tools. The Compress PNG online tools specialise in PNG format photos and have the ability to convert them to JPG and PDF files.Then, you may either download all of these compressed photographs at once in a ZIP file, or you can download them one at a time.

9. Kraken.io (Free)
By utilizing best-in-class algorithms, Kraken.io, a web-based online image compressor, significantly reduces the load time of your website. With its optimization strategies, the website serves a number of high-profile clients and is accessible for free as well as through subscription plans.
You don’t need to use your own because our strong servers handle all optimization.
10. Optimizilla (Free)
Whether you use WordPress or another CMS for your website, website speed is crucial.
For this reason, after demonstrating how to optimise photos for both WordPress and SEO, I want to concentrate on a tool called Optimizilla today.
As an online image compressor, Optimizilla enables you to begin compressing images right away and upload them to your website afterwards. In this article, we will look at its benefits and how to use it.