Basic concepts of translation theory. Follow professional translation agency
The main task of the general theory of translation is to create a theoretical model of translation, which would show the general concepts of equivalence and the foundations of translation. In the translation activity, throughout its history, there have been a large number of attempts to create certain generalizations and translation rules. For the translation process, all these are presented as principles and requirements for the translation process. and all this is not related to theoretical work but relates to translator practice. Various scholars and authors of works made their suggestions regarding the translation process.
And by following the same procedure according to basic theory this company Übersetzungsbüro Profi Fachübersetzung provided great service for translation. And also (PROFI) professional translation agency has 35 years of experience in Germany for translation. Professional translation agency presenting their service in different language translations worldwide.
If you combine all these proposals together, you get an interesting list, in which some principles contradict each other:
1.Translations – transmission of the words of the original.
2.Translations – conveying the meaning of the original.
3.The translations should read like the original.
4.The translations should read like a translations.
5.The translations must reflect the style of the original.
6.The translations should reflect the style of the translator.
7.Additions and reductions made during translations.
8.Translations of poems done in prose.
9.Translations of poems performed only in poetic form.
When deriving the rules of thumb for translation, there was no single theoretical basis, which led to the emergence of absurd situations and curious cases in the process of translation. It is because of this that the development of theoretical translation models has become the most important task for linguists. Linguists developed several translation models relying on different concepts.
Translation is a process in which we transform a text or speech work into another language while preserving the meaning of original words. L.S. proposed a semantic-semiotic translation model.
Semantics, as a science, studies the meanings of linguistic units, such as words, morphemes, syntactic constructions, intonation, and also studies the laws of constructing a semantic sentence, which was composed of these simple units.
to understand the complete meaning of speech or text is not enough. It is necessary to possess additional information, to understand the purpose and character of the author, cultural differences, historical features, laws of thinking, etc.
In general, neither linguistics nor semantics does not cover all aspects of this. Semantics studies not the full, but only the literal meaning of the text, for understanding which only knowledge of the language is enough.
To better understand what semantics is, it is necessary to understand the knowledge of a person’s language. A person who is fluent in a foreign language is able to:
– build semantic sentences in a foreign language and perceive the meaning of statements from other people.
– to understand the synonymy and homonymy of sentences.
– to understand the semantic connection and differences in sentences.
It is the science of semantics that provides a theoretical explanation of these abilities, namely, it outlines the rules of the language that allow you to perform the listed operations. The interpretation of all meanings of language units is one of the main tasks of semantics. Linguistic units include words, morphemes, intonations and syntactic constructions.
Semiotics is a study in which various signs and their structure, functionality, and development. Science tells us about modern society’s communication of people with each other. With the help of what linguistic means the transmission of information can occur. And how this means arranging. How and where they are applied, and what changes can be subjected to.
From any communication, you can extract a certain meaning and certain means by which this meaning is conveyed. If we decompose this meaning into separate elements and understand by what means each of them is expressed, then signs will appear in front of the researcher. signs are used for the concatenation of a certain meaning and a peculiar way of expressing it, namely the signifier and the signified. Collectively these signs are a semiotic system. Both terms linguistics and semiotics are very close to each other because language is one of the main semiotic systems.
Every translator who works independently or in a translations agency must understand the semiotic system not only in their native language but also in a foreign one. The PROFI follows this semiotic system. The quality of the translated material and its perception by the reader or listener depends on this. Regardless of the language, the system of linguistic, meanings reflects the entire external and internal world of a person with all cultural and emotional components. I highly recommend a PROFI in Germany because their team knows the basic theory of translations. In this way, they provided high-quality work