
Choose Best Divorce Lawyers for Mutual Consent Divorce

There exist some times when due to several misunderstandings and unfortunate situations partners’ relationship does not appear well . So these partners decide to break up their relationship by taking a divorce to be separated. There are two ways to take a divorce, but always choose Best divorce Lawyers.

1 – Mutual Divorce

2- Contested Divorce

Given below is information about both the divorce their type and the process has undergone. Also mentions that how one can get the Best Divorce Lawyers in Texas to sort out divorce in a proper legal manner and also with ease.

Mutual Consent Divorce

Mutual Consent Divorce is a type of divorce in which both the partners can make a decision mutually to end their marriage.  This sort of divorce can be an unconcealed divorce because the husband and spouse decide collectively. They discuss about all the conditions of divorce and relevant activities that include children’s custody. Also about maintenance, and both immovable and movable property.

In Mutual consent divorce, there is no need for a partner to show any kind of reason for the divorce. As both the partners (spouse and husband) have already discussed and decided their problems with each other and agreed to the divorce. Each partner has cleared and everything from each other and then moved to the last step and that’s filing for divorce.

On the other hand, there exists a lot more basis like cruelty over psychological and physical basis, adultery, mental illness, religious conversion, etc.


Steps for Mutual Consent Divorce are as follows:

  • Filing up a divorce request (Initial motion)
  • Period cooling off
  • Second motion Filling
  • Divorce decree


Mutual consent divorces will not resolve any kind of financial or custody battles. Therefore, given below are some of the specific conditions to look for and kept in mind:

  • One must have devastated differences that prevent any rectification
  • Both spouse and husband must agree to the divorce
  • Both of them must sign a promise by agreeing to the divorce

Contested Divorce

A contested divorce is considered to be opposite from a mutual divorce. As the name suggests in the contested divorce one partner is looking for the divorce while the other one is opposing it. Partners fight with others regarding child maintenance as well as immovable and movable property .It can take bad turns over in future life too.

In the case of mutual consent divorce, the two spouses submit a joint divorce request .Whereas in a contested divorce, one partner files for the divorce against the other one in the court.


Proceedings for contested Divorce

  • Divorce request filling
  • Court notice over to another party
  • Recording statement
  • Evidence Divorce verdict

Benefits of Mutual Consent Divorce

Easy Co-Parenting

After a mutual consent divorce Co-Parenting is known to be much easier as it could be done without any kind of messy process. However, before starting on a positive note it becomes much more manageable for getting this process done. It depends upon the age of your child, stating that whether you may be co-parenting for several years into the future or not.

Cheaper than Contested Divorces

This isn’t an extensive statement, but divorces classified under mutual consent are generally cheaper than those done under contested divorces. Handling all parleys outside of court means one would be able to avoid flaming legal fees. This may set both of you and your past spouse with more financial security after the separation occurs.

Faster and Effective than Contested Divorce

Being on good terms with your spouse is consider to be an excellent choice since you could credibly wrap up the process in less than four months instead of taking it till a year.


By this, it can be concluded that it is important to find the best Divorce Lawyer in Texas is the most important thing for getting divorce processes in a very easy way.  From this, one could learn the conditions, processes, and types of divorces that take place in today’s world.

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