Ever since the telecommunication sector in India started to rise, Department of Telecommunication started paying attention to one aspect that it ignored for a very long time – the source of networking devices. Every ISP and TSP relies on these devices to establish their operations and provide their services.
However, ever since quality of those equipments became an important factor, so did quality. Therefore, government of India introduced the Trusted Telecom portal in 2021.
To get the gist, A trusted telecom portal maintains a list of trusted vendors. Telecommunication Service providers can only provide their services if they are using networking devices purchased from these vendors.
It has two affects:
- It pushed telecom service provider to install high quality telecom equipment
- The national security of India became safer as the government could now monitor the allegiances of these telecom equipment vendors.
That being said, the government of India hasn’t been fully able to communicate the information pertaining this move to the people. Therefore, through this article, we are telling you everything you must know about Trusted Telecom Portal in India.
What is a Trusted Telecom List?
As per the declaration of National Security Directive on Telecommunication Sector, a trusted telecom list is a list of vendors with governments approval to sell telecom equipments to India’s TSPs and ISPs. All the vendors that seek to sell their devices must first apply to enter their names (Trusted Telecom Approval) in this list.
The procedure for adding a vendor to the Trusted Telecom Portal
There are two ways vendor details can be added to the trusted telecom list:
- By the TSP: The telecommunication Service provider can enter the details of vendor it seeks to buy networking devices from. As the provider submits the request, the vendor will receive a notification inviting it to enter the trusted telecom list. If the vendor complies with the request, the national security directive runs a full assessment. If the Directive finds that the vendor adheres to every eligibility criteria, it will add vendor’s name to the list.
- By the vendor: The vendor can file a request provided he has quality hardware devices suited for India’s telecommunication industry. He can go to the trusted telecom portal and select the option that lets it go through a registration process. After the process is complete, vendors name will enter in the trusted telecom list.
Does the introduction of Trusted Telecom impact the current telecom service providers?
As of yet, it seems that the introduction of Trusted Telecom portal won’t impact the current telecom service providers. The Government of India has notified these TSPs and ISPs, giving them a link to access the trusted telecom portal. However, not many service providers have used the list yet. So, it’s safe to say that current TSPs wont’ be impacted by this move.
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Who decides which Vendor is trustworthy?
The final decision to device which name to add to the Trusted Telecom list rest on the shoulders of National Cyber Security Coordinator. Being the designated authority, it is his responsibility to decide whether a telecom vendor poses as a threat to national security.
Telecom Service Providers now must only provide their services using networking devices purchased from trusted vendors. National Cyber Security Coordinator has the final say when it comes to deciding which vendor is worthy. Finally, it’s likely that introduction of this portal won’t impact the current TSPs.
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