Folder Brochures: A Way to Cut Printing Costs
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Presentation folders are one of the oldest marketing tools in the business world. They are a great way to share information about your business to the target audience in an ordered and professional way. It can keep all the printed materials in one place so it is easier to access. In one sense, these are equivalent to a website.
Even though digital marketing has taken over the advertising section, printed material still has a place of its own. That is why presentation folders are also an integral part of running a business. Presentation folders come in different shapes and sizes. The most popular paper size is A4, which is used in copier machines all over the world. That is the reason most businesses opt for the A4 presentation folders.
These can carry numerous A4 papers, which means you have a large area to print on as well. The A5 folder on the other hand are smaller but are easier to carry around and are less prone to damage.
You are about to learn about a new printing technique that has consequences on the printing budget of your business.
Brochures and Folder Brochures
Brochures are one of the main printed materials that are used by businesses all over the globe. They come in all shapes and sizes with information about the various products and services offered by a company. They can also be used for promotional offers and are an easy tool to gather all information in one place.
But how many of you have heard about folder brochures? It is one of the latest innovations in the folder printing industry. The idea of infusing a brochure along with your personalised presentation folder can open up many possibilities.
Minimise the printing cost
The primary function of a presentation folder is to act as a jacket for all the printed materials related to your business. These include formal documents like economic and annual performance reports, promotional material like flyers, posters and brochures. The amount of printed material and kind of printing technique decide how much you need to spend on these documents.
Along with that if you opt for a personalised folder printing, the cost for printing rises. Since both of these are important you cannot cut costs on quality or quantity. That is where newer ideas will help you stay within your budget.
Improve Utility
A brochure will have multiple pages printed with information. On the other hand, in a personalised A4 folder, there will be very little text on both the cover and inside. Even in the case of an A5 presentation folder, the cover will probably have the company logo and name. The inside of a folder will have artwork or design, only in the case of customised prints. In some cases, the pockets that keep the paper in place are also designed.
That is where a folder brochure stands out from the rest. The information that is usually printed on the covers of a brochure will be added to the folds of the folder. The pockets can also be printed on or not, which depends on your choice.
Customising a Folder Brochure
Just like normal presentation folders you can go a step further with presentation folders using personalisation techniques. These can be printed as A5 or A4 presentation folder sizes. Since these act as a booklet also there is very little need to add additional pockets, rather than the standard single pocket. The layout of the folder brochures can either be portrait or landscape, with the latter suitable for presentations of art, plans and other drawings.
The brochure pages need to be secured perfectly so that they do not fall off. You do not want to lose important information just because you lose some pages. Printing can be done either on one side or both sides of the folder pages. You can add a business card slot at the end of the folder to make it easy for the reader to contact you.
For enhancing the look of the artwork and text, you can add lamination to all pages of the brochure folder. Embossing or foiling can be used to highlight certain sections of the folder. A combination of finishes and lamination can also be employed on the same folder to increase the visual appeal of the folder.
Selecting a Printing Technique
If you are interested in getting a folder brochure, you need an experienced folder printing service. Since you will be printing on the inside of the folder, make sure the stock you choose is good enough to be printed on. Make sure to get thick stocks so that they do not bend when someone picks them up.
You can experiment with personalised presentation folders in more ways than one. From adding extra pockets to incorporating a business card slot you can try various things. But there are some precautions to follow before you start the presentation folder printing process.
Even if you choose a folder brochure, do not print in the left 1/3rd of the folder. This is the place where most people hold the folder by. Also, it is better to align the text inside the folder towards the middle where it folds.
Select a printing technique so that the text or ink used on one side does not bleed over to the other side of the folder cover. Usually, we apply lamination or finishes to the folders, but when you have a folder brochure, you need to make the text stand out. So choosing a warmer color tone and good font is very crucial to make your personalised folder a success.
Extra Tips
The second important thing is to make sure the pockets inside the folder are placed in such a way that it does not cover the information on the folder. It is better to add the pockets to the sides or to the bottom end of the inside of the folder.
It is ideal to not print text on the pockets as the same has already been printed on the folder. Instead, you could go with an artwork of other design elements to get a contrast.