Every passing day our technology is becoming advanced. New things are invented every day for creating a hassle-free environment for the people. The 21st century is an era of digital technology advancement. Everything has some positive and negative side, similarly, there are consequences of using technology. Students use technical kinds of stuff for simplifying their lives and enjoying it. Students can easily get access to premium facilities like assignment help at a cost-friendly price. Using technology for reducing the hassle is something we all should do more often. Students should make the best use of digital technology and take maximum benefit. But there are few downsides of technology that are discussed below.
Lack Of Talent: Students lose their ability to create an academic piece of work. Either they hire an expert or copy the stuff from the internet. Students start lacking the basic talent of finishing their own work. Neither do they try to write their documents nor do they read the content written by a professional writer. They just take the work from the internet and deliver it to their school. It is very convenient for the students to do so because they do not have to take any action. Because of the digital technology advancement, students are losing talent.
Health Issues: Continuous use of technology is causing many health problems to students. Sitting in the same posture for hours distorts the body posture. Continuously staring at the screen is damaging the eyes. We do notice all these things therefore technology is actually ruining our lives. Limit the time that you are spending on using social media, rather than that do something productive. There are thousands of things that you can try for curing your health issues. Do not stay attached to the technology for too much duration, it is harmful.
Unable To Focus: Regular use of technology will reduce your ability to focus. You cannot focus on the study because of the addiction you just made. The use of digital technology is highly addictive and one should reduce and limit its usage. Students should not use too much digital stuff in their life because that will decrease their focusing power. Instead of working with the technology, try to do as many things as you can. For increasing your focus you can try to do meditation daily and it will improve your focus.
No Workout: Students are attached to the technology deeply, they will never execute any task on their own. This attachment has reduced the time of physical activity they used to do during their day. Workout and any form of physical activity are very necessary for the students because it has numerous benefits. Scholars should take care of their health and do workouts regularly. Physical activity should be a part of their daily routine and students should do it more often. Exercise benefits in both ways, physically and mentally thus we all should do it regularly.
Zero Expertise: Students do not know the right way of doing an academic task. They always search for a professional who can offer them support and guide them. On the internet, it is very easy to hire a professional writer for your help at a cheap price. You can helper with all types of activity that you want and they will deliver that. The problem here is you do not know the credibility, experience, and qualification of the writer. You might be assigned an immature person in the name of the tutor.
Availability Issue: Availability of digital technology is again an issue for some students. Students present in urban areas can easily get access to digital accessories while scholars located in rural areas cannot. This creates a major difference in the education and understanding level in students located in the two areas. Students cannot get the right person for guidance and tutoring because of a lack of basic facilities. Once this gap is filled then the advancement of digital technology will be appreciated by the individuals of the world.
Sleep Quality: Students who are always in touch with technology like their phone and laptop often have insomnia. They will never feel sleepy, they can stay awake for the whole night and use their devices. Students should care about their health and provide 8 hours of sleep to their bodies. It is not at all recommended for the students to stay up late at night and continue the use of their phones and laptop. The radiation emitted by digital devices is equally harmful to us and we should limit the time we spend using technical things.
Final Words – Scholars with the availability of advanced digital technology can achieve success in their life faster than anyone else. But the problem is not every student knows the correct method of utilizing the resources. Try to make the best use of technology and create a difference in your life.