How to delete a comment on TikTok? [Web & App]

If you can remember Vine, then you have probably heard of TikTok, its spiritual successor. TikTok has become a popular social media platform in recent years. TikTok users have the ability to film videos and overlay sound to create specific effects and filters.
You’ve probably wondered if you’ve ever used the most popular social media site for the video “How to remove comments from TikTok.”
We are often not happy with the comments left by other users on our videos. We don’t always like the comments left by other users on our videos. The good news is that the process works, for it is easy to delete comments from TikTok.
You need to press and hold for a few seconds the Comment that you wish to delete. Then, you will only need to press the button in the menu “Delete”. You can click the button to remove that Comment from your video.
This process may not be necessary if they have already left you—inappropriate Comment.
It is because the social network has an algorithm that allows users to share their information. In addition, it automatically deletes messages it deems inappropriate. This means that if someone sends you an insult or an inappropriate comment, it may be impossible for you to see it as TikTok has already deleted it. This system can also be used to delete spam messages.
TikTok’s social media component includes the ability for users to comment on each other’s videos. Any TikTok user who has a video made public can leave a comment. What if you need to delete a comment you have made? We’ve got your back.
What TikTok Comments should I delete?
There are many reasons to remove comments from TikTok videos. These are the most common.
- This comment is offensive, rude, or part of an internet harassment campaign.
- This is a spam comment that promotes another TikTok account.
- The user has responded to the wrong comment, making it difficult to follow the conversation.
- A blank comment was left on a TikTok clip that said nothing.
- Although the comment is acceptable, you suspect that it could be from a bot or fake TikTok account.
How to delete a comment on TikTok via Web platform
TikTok comments can be deleted using a web browser. You will need to log in with the same account you used on the app. These instructions are compatible with all major internet browsers.
- Go to using your favorite web browser. Register if you haven’t already.
- Click View profile by hovering your mouse cursor above your avatar in the top-right corner.
- Click on the video to moderate comments.
- Move your cursor over a comment. To its right should be an ellipsis (“three dots”)
- Click the ellipsis with your mouse and then click the delete button in the popup menu. The comment will be deleted immediately from TikTok.
How to delete TikTok comments in the App
TikTok allows users to moderate comments made to videos by others, just like other social media platforms. If you misspell something or don’t tag the right person, you can remove your comments.
You can delete any comment you make on TikTok by simply using the mobile application.
- To open your TikTok account, open the TikTok App and tap Me in the lower-right corner.
- Tap the TikTok video you wish to moderate.
- Tap the comment icon on TikTok, which looks like a speech bubble.
- Do a long press on the comment that you wish to delete.
- Tap Delete.