How to transfer data from Samsung to Samsung

Have you just bought a new Samsung smartphone and would like to transfer the contacts, photos, apps, and all other data you had on your old smartphone, also produced by the famous Korean company, to it? No problem. Indeed, I am happy to announce that you have come to the right place at the right time!
With today’s tutorial, in fact, I will explain how to transfer data from Samsung to Samsung using some apps, some computer software, and some online services that allow you to copy any type of information from one Samsung device to another, all for free and without any fatigue. Time a few minutes and you will end up with all your old data on the new phone. Do not you believe it? Then roll up your sleeves, read the instructions below and try to put them into practice. I bet you will be amazed by the excellent results you will be able to obtain!
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Smart Switch (computer)
Smart Switch is Samsung’s official application for backing up and transferring data from one device to another. It is available for both portable devices and computers, whether they are equipped with Windows or with macOS. I believe it is one of the best tools to transfer data from Samsung to Samsung, so if you have bought a new smartphone from the Korean company and want to transfer contacts, apps, emails, photos, videos, and other data to it, starting from the backup older than a Samsung smartphone, I highly recommend using it. The data transferred to the phone does not erase the data already present on it, but to obtain an optimal result it is preferable to start from a “clean” system.
To download Smart Switch on your computer, connected to the official Samsung website, scroll the page to the center and click on the Download button for Windows if you are using a Windows PC or the Download button for MAC OS if you are using a Mac.
When the download is complete, if you are using a Windows PC, open the Smart Switch installation package ( ) and, in the window that opens, click on the Yes button. Then put the checkmark next to the two items. I accept the terms of the license agreement and complete the setup by clicking on Next and then on Finish. After clicking on “Next” you will have to wait a few seconds for Smart Switch to install the drivers for Samsung devices, have a little patience.Smart_Switch_PC_setup.exe
Start the Smart Switch:
If when you try to start the Smart Switch installation file you are shown an error message that says ” The specified application could not be started. The application’s side-by-side mode configuration is incorrect “, download the Security Update for MFC of Microsoft Visual C ++ 2008 Service Pack 1 Redistributable Package in its 32 and 64-bit versions ( vcredist_x86.exe and vcredist_x64.exe ) and install it on your PC. Just start the two executables and click Next, Install and Finish By placing the checkmark in the box relating to the acceptance of the conditions of use of the software. Once the installation is complete, run the Smart Switch installation package again and everything should work fine.
If you are using a Mac, to install Smart Switch, open the dmg package you downloaded from the Samsung website. open the executable contained within it and in the window that opens. First, click on the Continue for three-button consecutive times and then click Accept and Install. Then type the password of your user account on macOS (the one you normally use to access the system). And complete the setup by pressing first on Install software, then on Continue installation. And finally on Restart (you will have to restart the Mac).SmartSwitchMac.pkg
Once Installation is Complete:
Once installation is complete, start Smart Switch and connect the Samsung smartphone from which. You want to copy data to your computer (using the supplied USB cable). Therefore, wait for Smart Switch to detect the device and press. The Backup button is located at the bottom. Left to start a complete backup of all the data on the device.
If Smart Switch fails to detect your phone, try unplugging it and reconnecting it to your computer. Then expand the Android notifications menu (swiping your finger from the top of the screen to the bottom). Select the USB connection icon, and, if there is not. but the checkmark next to the item Multimedia device (MTP).
If you want to “manually” select the data to be copied to the phone, after clicking on the Restore button of the Smart Switch, press the Select a different backup folder button that appears at the bottom left. In the window that opens, use the two drop-down menus located. at the top to choose the backup to restore. put the checkmark next to the elements of the backup. You want to restore ( Images, Music, Applications, etc.), and press the OK button to start data transfer.