
Important Facts to Know About Cheap Long Distance Movers

Moving is insane, aggravating, and possibly one of the most stressful and crazy times of your life! And, when emotions are running high, a lot of unexpected things can happen, especially when hiring cheap long-distance movers. One of the most serious consequences of hiring the wrong movers is the possibility of being scammed. However, by being proactive and gathering all relevant information, you can reduce that risk. Here are a few important facts about your relocation that you should be aware of.

1. Movers vs Moving Broker

When looking for reputed and reliable movers, you should probably start by obtaining free moving quotes. If you’re not sure how to find cheap long-distance moving companies, start by learning the process. When you begin collecting quotes, make sure you always know WHO is providing the quotes. Although it is against the law, when you request quotes, a moving broker may visit your home and provide you with an estimate. A broker is not a mover, but rather someone who “brokers” the move. These moving companies are not liable for any loss or damage that occurs during the move. So, before anyone loads a single household item onto the moving truck, make sure you know who is in charge of your move.

2. Expect Accurate Moving Estimate After the In-home Survey

You’ve most probably created an accurate home inventory that you’d like to share with movers in order to obtain accurate moving quotes. When selecting low-cost long-distance movers, though, it’s a good idea to receive an in-home quote. With a 15-minute inspection, legitimate, experienced long-distance movers can provide you with fairly accurate estimates, which are significantly more accurate than describing things over the phone!

3. Try to Obtain Only Binding Moving Estimates

As per federal law, all moving companies must provide written estimates; however, federal law does not require that every quote be binding. So, when hiring cheap long-distance movers, make sure to get a binding estimate or a “not to exceed” binding estimate, if at all possible. This will prevent any last-minute surprises on moving day.

4. Check The History of Complaints Against your Hiring Movers

Research is an important part of the moving process. To look into the cheap long-distance movers, you can request a report from the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration detailing any complaints filed against any moving company you are considering. While there may be a charge for this report, it is well worth it because it could save you from headaches in the future!

5. Dispute Settlement Program

According to Federal law, movers must provide a program of settling a loss or damage claim. Make sure you ask them about it, and if you get a “deer in the headlights look” from them, then run far, far away.

6. Read Contract Agreement Carefully Before Signing

If you’re required to sign any documents for your movers, make sure they’re all filled out completely, with the obvious exception of the shipment’s weight. A common moving scam involves requiring a signature from the person moving on partially completed paperwork. The scam mover then adds on additional hidden moving charges like packing paper, moving boxes, bubble wrap, and sometimes even loading charges! For more topics related to your daily life and professional life, you can read more on these articles.

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