Low Vision Guide for the Elderly

There are many issues that the elderly face, from illnesses to the loss of family members and friends. Low vision is another problem which the elderly have to face. It is a condition that affects their ability to see clearly. Whether it’s due to age or an accident, there are many things that will affect a senior citizen’s vision.
What is Low Vision
A person who has low vision can no longer recognize objects that he/she used to be able to. This may include:
- Objects such as doorknobs or buttons on appliances.
- People’s faces.
- Reading text.
- Driving or walking safely.
- Cooking with food at the correct height off the table.
Low vision is more common in older people compared with younger people. Many causes result in vision being greatly impaired, including eye diseases like macular degeneration and cataracts. The effects of poor eyesight also vary from person to person: some see only blurred shapes; others cannot focus clearly. However, you are never too old to learn ways to deal better with your sight problems; and you do not need to stop growing old. With time and experience, you can discover what works best for you as an independent individual.
Low Vision Issues in Elders
The first issue that comes to mind when you think about seniors and low vision is the use of their prescription glasses. They can be very helpful in improving their eyesight, but wearing them all day long will definitely hurt their eyes. Unfortunately, most people who wear reading glasses are unable to take them off at night and put on their sleeping glasses. This means that they won’t get any sleep or rest at all because the glasses are interfering with their vision during the hours in the dark.
Another major factor that causes low vision problems among older adults is macular degeneration. Macular degeneration is a leading cause of blindness in the elderly. In the early stages, this disease doesn’t really show symptoms of being serious; however, if left untreated, it could eventually lead to complete blindness. The good news about macular degeneration is that it can be slowed down by treating it right away. By getting an eye examination done every year, you’ll know if your macula has started deteriorating. If it does, then immediately do something to help slow its progress. One way is by using computerized aids such as magnifiers and screen readers.
Other common causes of low vision include glaucoma, cataracts, diabetic retinopathy, and other eye diseases. With these conditions, it’s important to seek treatment as soon as possible to avoid more severe complications later on.
Deal with Low Vision
It is not easy dealing with low vision, especially since it can make daily life activities difficult. However, with proper care and attention, older patients can live comfortably despite their visual impairments. You just need to ensure that you don’t forget about them.
For those who struggle with low vision, one solution for increased independence is through the use of electronic devices like hand-held scanners and magnifiers. Hand-held digital cameras can also be used to help the elderly identify objects in their environment. Another product that is beneficial for those who suffer from blurry vision is virtual reality headsets. For example, the technology allows people suffering from certain ailments to experience real-time images without having to undergo special surgical procedures. Moreover, VR headsets offer a whole range of benefits such as improving cognitive function, providing access to information in ways that would otherwise be inaccessible, and much more.
According to the World Health Organization, around 80 percent of people aged 60 years and above have some sort of disability. Many of these disabilities stem from chronic health conditions where patients struggle with mobility or vision. Therefore, what we are talking about here is not necessarily age-related disorders but rather diseases and injuries. Most of these ailments require significant rehabilitation over a period of time, particularly those that affect vision. Patients may lose part or even all of their sight. Not only does a patient feel helpless, but s/he is also often isolated and lonely. There is no doubt that this sense of isolation exacerbates the situation further. When a person loses his / her vision, he/she must learn how to readjust himself or herself into society. And the process of learning to adjust becomes harder as the days go past.
To begin with, it is vital that the patient adapts to the new surroundings, so s/he will not feel outcasted or rejected. It helps if he/she is surrounded by supportive peers who understand and empathize with him/her. He/She should also try to improve social skills by joining a support group run by local organizations or associations. These groups provide essential information and resources about adapting to the loss of sight and living with it.
Challenges with Low Vision
However, there are still many challenges that people with low vision face. Here are some challenges that most of us do not realize:
- People with low vision lack confidence
- Lack of motivation
- Feelings of insecurity
- Have difficulty performing simple tasks such as dressing up, grooming themselves, etc.
- Are generally less active than healthy ones
Apart from being physically weaker than healthy individuals, the weak and visually impaired have poor self-awareness. As they can’t recognize when they are doing something wrong or when someone else notices them, they are unable to effectively interact with other people. This leads to feelings of embarrassment and vulnerability, making it extremely hard for them to cope with everyday situations.
Consequently, elderly people who are affected with low vision are usually socially isolated because they think they look strange and different. It is important that they get the right kind of education on how to deal with their condition and the available medical treatments. Most cases of low vision are treatable. Although doctors say that the eyesight of a blind person gets worse over time, studies show that this is not true. In fact, the eyesight of blind people improves with time.
Low vision aids
If you have lost your eyesight in one eye completely and in the other parts, you probably need bifocals. They help you read newspaper headlines or text messages more easily. However, reading a book or writing requires practice since it involves fine motor movements. If you are lucky enough to be nearsighted, corrective glasses will help you focus on what matters at the moment, like driving.
Some seniors use a cane to walk freely while others prefer using a wheelchair. But a walking stick has become fashionable among older adults. The purpose of a walking stick is to assist the user to maintain balance during the day and also keep his/her lower limbs strong. A cane can be helpful especially for people who live in an institutionalized setting.
For those who have experienced an eye injury in the past, the best way to deal with it is to seek professional treatment. For example, if the damage was caused to the cornea, then you can wear contact lenses or spectacles until the damaged tissue heals. In the meantime, optometrists can apply bandages to protect your eyes. Once healing is complete, you can either choose surgery to repair your eyesight or go for eyeglasses or contact lenses.
If your vision problems persist despite all these available solutions, you may require cataract surgery. With cataracts, a clouding develops in the lens of the eyeball. Due to this, light rays no longer pass normally through the lens but scatter instead into the retina. Cataracts often occur together with aging and diabetes. In this case, patients may experience blurred vision, yellowish discoloration, glare, and double vision. Fortunately, cataract surgery can restore healthy vision.
The key point here is that you should always consult your doctor before taking any action. After all, every action comes with risks and benefits. Thereby, you must weigh everything carefully before deciding whether or not to undergo surgery. Some side effects include dryness of the eyes, headaches, discomfort after wearing goggles or contact lenses, and sensitivity to bright lights and high humidity.
In addition to learning to read properly, you should learn to write fluently too. Reading and writing are very fundamental abilities. To start with, it is crucial to master the basics of reading aloud before moving forward. You can purchase audio tapes containing standardized vocabulary words that you can listen to as many times as you want.