The Health Effects of Too Much Online Gaming

Video game players often neglect to eat, drink water, and exercise. However, it is not only the physical effects of too much online gaming that can affect the user’s mental state. Lack of sleep is also directly related to poor mental health. Without enough sleep, a person will find it difficult to focus and will have difficulty performing well in other areas. Chronic hyperarousal is another possible health effect. Chronic hyperarousal can also lead to obesity and malnutrition. But all of these can be avoided if you know how to control yourself to the games like online games that are free.
Chronic hyperarousal
The adverse health effects of chronic hyperarousal are many. This excessive level of alertness reduces the ability to pay attention and regulate emotions. It also causes difficulty following directions and suffering from frustration. In addition, it inhibits creativity and reduces interest in learning. Hyperarousal has even been linked to violence. In children, it can even cause insomnia and panic attacks. Fortunately, there are ways to manage excessive levels of hyperarousal.
In addition to the physical effects, chronic hyperarousal can lead to depression, jitteriness, decreased immune function, and unstable blood sugar levels. Children who spend hours playing video games may develop sweet cravings, negatively affecting their diet and weight. Additionally, frequent hyperarousal can result in problems with hygiene and a child ignoring other activities. While this may seem trivial, there are many other effects of chronic hyperarousal.
The link between excessive video game playing and obesity is not known for kids, but it has been suspected. Excessive video game playing and obesity is mostly associated with passive media, such as television and non-active video games. But is online gaming also causing childhood obesity? Researchers from Germany recently looked at the issue in a meta-study conducted in collaboration with the University of Wurzburg. The findings were somewhat mixed. The authors concluded that excessive video game playing is not the primary cause of childhood obesity but rather a contributory factor.
One of the theories relating video gameplay and obesity is that kids are not getting enough exercise and are less likely to be active. While video games are fun, they don’t promote physical activity. Kids who play video games spend long hours sitting at their computers, which doesn’t require much physical activity. Despite this, the association between excessive video game playing and obesity is growing. One study conducted by the University of Wurzburg found that children who play video games also spend less time outside and get less exercise.
The effects of too much gaming can be profound, negative, and can affect one’s overall health. For example, a person who is deeply addicted to online gaming is more likely never to step outside, get adequate sunlight, and eat high-calorie junk food. These poor eating habits can have serious consequences, including malnutrition, leading to obesity. It can also lead to sleep deprivation, which can be dangerous and even deadly.
Although excessive internet use has been associated with a decrease in energy levels, this does not necessarily mean that gamers are not healthy. The American Society for Addictions and Mental Health defines excessive gaming as a “pathological behavior” and lists its potential addictions. In addition, it has been linked to decreased motivation, moodiness, and difficulty sleeping. Those who experience the effects of too much online gaming should be aware that these symptoms could be a sign of underlying depression.
Repetitive stress injuries
Repetitive stress injuries are common overuse injuries caused by repetitive motions that cause pain and inflammation. Overuse injuries can even lead to permanent injury. For example, many gamers develop overuse injuries to the hands and arms due to excessive use of their computers and smartphones. Inflammation of the joints can also lead to type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and cancer. So, it is important to get regular exercise to keep yourself healthy.
Excessive gaming may also result in carpal tunnel syndrome. Symptoms of this disorder include numbness or tingling of the hand, affecting the median nerve. People who play video games for long hours are at a higher risk of developing carpal tunnel syndrome. Carpal tunnel syndrome occurs when nerves in hand are compressed. These conditions can cause pain and limit the range of motion in the hand and wrist.
Suicidal thoughts
Recent studies have shown a possible connection between excessive game playing and suicide. Specifically, a study conducted by the Criminological Research Institute of Lower Saxony in Germany found that extensive gaming is associated with lower school achievement, reduced sleep, little hobbies, and increased suicidal thoughts. While there is no scientific evidence linking excessive online gaming to increased suicidal thoughts in India, media reports do suggest a link.
Excessive use of video games and the Internet has been linked to higher rates of suicidal ideation among young people. The research also shows that people who spend five hours or more on video games/Internet play each day are more likely to report feelings of sadness and suicidal ideation. This is different than teens who report less than five hours per day. However, it is important to note that excessive gameplay may increase the risk of suicidal thoughts in people with no history of suicidal thoughts.