Expert Reasons Behind Dropshipping Failures (2021)
Tough people starts their dropshipping business with the hope of success, everybody does not get the same result from it. Some might become successful while some might face failure.
But we often give more focus to the success stories and dream that we will also be successful like them.
But have you ever thought about the failure people?
Have you ever tried to analyze the reason why they failed in dropshipping?
No. Right?
You might say why should we think about failure people.
Well, you should think and analyze the reasons behind their failure in dropshipping. You should learn from their mistakes and avoid doing these things. Otherwise you might also find yourself in the failure list.
So now let’s look at some common mistakes of dropshippers that lead them to failure.
Here are some expert reasons behind dropshipping failures and their possible solutions:
- Unreliable suppliers
Working with unreliable suppliers perhaps the most significant reason of dropshipping failure. A single mistake of supplier can cause your business an unrepairable loss. Do you know how?
In dropshipping, suppliers are responsible for everyhing. From product quality to packaging, shipping and sending products to end customer, everything is handled by your suppliers. So they have the power either to make you or break you.
With an unreliable supplier serious issues like long shipping time, bad quality products, wrong product delivery, no support about refunds and return may come up. These issues can cause customer’s dissatisfaction and bad reputation of your shop. An unsatisfied customer will never order products from your store which in turns will destroy your dropshipping business.
If you want your dropshipping business to survive, you really need to find reliable suppliers who can fulfill customer’s requirements. Now you may think
How to find reliable suppliers?
First of all, you should always choose local suppliers. That means choose suppliers from the same country where you are targeting to sell products. This way you can make sure that products will reach your end customer quickly. Moreover, you will be able to contact with them easily to solve any kind of problems. Now, let me ask you a question, Are you a UK based dropshipper and looking for UK dropshipping suppliers?
If the answer is yes, then you can visit Getshop Today eCommerce platform where you will find many UK dropshipping suppliers. They can be a really good option for you.
- Lack of Patience & Persistence
Lack of patience and persistence is another reason for dropshipping failure. Patience and hard work is the pre-condition for any kind of success. In dropshipping you also need them too. Although you can set up your dropshipping store quickly and easily, it might take a lot of time to have the first order. So you have to wait with patient. You cannot be successful overnight in dropshipping.
As you know dropshipping is highly competitive. Without hard work and consistency you will not be able to stay in the competition. So you have to give a lot of effort to become unique from others. You might make mistakes. But never step back because of the mistakes. Rather try to learn from your mistakes, understand the nature of dropshipping and most importantly be patient and consistent in your work.
- High Prices of Dropshipping Products
The main target of Dropshipping or any other business is to make as much profit as possible.
Therefore, it is tempting to set the high price of the products and get the maximum profit from it.
But do you know high price of the products can cause dropsipping failure?
Ironically, customers are likely to leave your store due to high price without even seeing your products. Nowadays, customers are actually aware that most of the stores sell exactly same products. So they often visit different stores and compare the price of different products. When they find the similar product at a lower price somewhere else, they will leave your store without hesitation.
How to solve this problem?
Well, it is always better to keep a balance between price and profit. Set the price in a way that seems lower at the same time still profitable.
- Bad Customer Support
Bad customer support is another reason why most dropshippers fail. Almost all of the dropshippers try hard to provide good customer service. But sometimes they fail as they have no control over product delivery. Just think for a moment
What will be your customer’s reaction if they receive low quality or damaged products?
It will be a horrible experience. Right? Customers will never overlook these problems.
Since the suppliers delivers the products to end customers, you can never know when or how your customers will receive their product.
Issus like low-quality products, wrong products, damaged products, delayed shipment can harm your store’s reputation and lead to customer’s dissatisfaction. And you can imagine the final consequence of this negative impression. You will lose customers and you will lose sale. It means your dropshipping business will fail gradually.
Well, you must have understood why it is important to provide proper customer service. But question can hit your mind-
How to give proper customer service?
First of all, you have to choose suppliers very carefully.
You have to make sure that your suppliers can provide high-quality products, deliver products quickly and can meet customer’s requirements.
If you are looking for such suppliers who can deliver high-quality products within the shortest possible time in UK.
Beside this, Dropshipping does not end when the customer’s item is sent. Bear in mind that you still have to answer their queries and stay connected with them. This is how you can give proper customer service.
- Delayed Shipping
Another reason why many dropshippers fail is Delayed shipping. After ordering a low value or daily used product
Would you like to wait for 15-20 days to get the product?
What do you think?
Probably no. Customers especially in UK, do not like to wait for a long time to get their products.
Long shipping time is one of the biggest pitfall which can negatively affect your dropshipping business. Generally, it happens when dropshippers source products from China based suppliers. It takes at least 20 days to arrive the products. When you make customer wait for such a long time, they immediately look for a faster alternative. As you already know dropshipping market is so much competitive. There are many options waiting and wooing your customers to their website. As a result, you lose your customer.
How to avoid delayed shipping?
You should choose local suppliers who can deliver products within the shortest possible time. Because fast delivery makes your customers happy. It is also a good way to defeat your competitors.
The good news is UK dropshipping suppliers deliver products in just 3-5 days in the UK. So you can choose UK dropshipping suppliers for shipping goods quickly to customers.
- Unattractive and unoptimized store design
Like any other e-commerce stores, dropshipping stores also need good-looking appearance and well optimization. Unfortunately, many dropshippers are not concerned about store’s design and optimization. They do absolutely nothing about this issue.
Would you like to order something from a messy, poor looking shop?
Of course not. Customers always prefer well organized shop where they can find their preferred products easily. But many dropshippers fail to realize it.
Some of the shops have poor navigation options and incredibly difficult user experience. As a result, customers fails to find their products and leave their shop without buying anything.
So it is very important to make your dropshipping store unique and attarctive.
But how to make your dropshipping store organized and exceptional?
Well with Getshop Today you can beautifully design your online store. Getshop Today is eCommerece platform that can build and design your dream online store with thousands of themes and design.
- Poor marketing strategies:
One reason why most dropshippers fails is poor marketing strategies. Suppose your store is new and you have the best product in your store. But customers are not familiar with the name of your store. Now think for a moment
What is the benefit if nobody knows about your store and product?
There will be no sales if nobody knows about your store. That is why marketing is so crucial which will help you to promote your product to the customer.
Without proper marketing strategy, your dropshipping business is likely to fail.
But remember good marketing strategy does not refer to only post on Instagram or Facebook. You have to give effort to find what actually works and brings you good results. For example, besides posting images or text on Facebook, you should add video ads to drive more engagement and conversion. You should also interact with your potential customers’ comments and measure your advertising performance. All these things will help you to build a good relationship with your customers and increase your sales.
But these marketing strategies might seem a very difficult and time consuming task to you. You must be afraid how to manage all these things?
One good news is, with the help of Postmagic you can upgrade your marketing strategies. Postmagic is a social media management site that can help you to optimize the way you manage profiles on your social media networks and can save your valuable time. With Postmagic you can visually plan and schedule your posts using automated tools.