Do’s and Don’ts of IIT- JEE
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Don’t think you won’t be able to pass JEE Main and JEE Advanced based on your previous class performance, initial test scores, or the presence of more clever students in your batch. IIT JEE is difficult to pass, but it is achievable if you know what to avoid and what to do during your JEE preparation. Online Jee Exam Practice Platform.
While most applicants are putting the last touches on their JEE Main 2021 preparation, certain other factors are equally important. Among other things, one of the most important things for aspiring candidates to know is the JEE Main 2021 do’s and don’ts. To put it another way, what to do and what not to do before and during the exam. While the candidates’ hearts may be racing with mixed feelings, several basic rules and principles must be observed for the exam to be a positive experience. Candidates must know what is allowed and what is not allowed within the exam hall, which includes anything from pens and pencils to outfits, devices, and watches. Exampraxis emphasizes some of the criteria that applicants must follow to ensure a smooth test experience. Paper-drawing II’s component was completed in offline mode.
General rules to follow
Do it with decorum!
- Keep cool, as this is the most important motto to remember. Panic will not help you; rather, it will endanger both your health and your exam.
- Maintain silence while taking the test and concentrate solely on the questions. You will save time as a result of this.
- Don’t be distracted or distracted by anyone’s gestures or by engaging in any type of communication with them. You may be disqualified if you are detected by the examiner.
- Do not bring any kind of unequal means to the exam room. Once you’ve been caught with something, you’ll be ‘disqualified’ from the exam. Carrying anything could result in your candidature being canceled permanently or for a set amount of time.
- Don’t forget to bring your JEE Main Admit Card with you to the exam. You will not be allowed to enter the exam room unless you have you admit card.
- Be Consistent: The most critical aspect of clearing IIT JEE is to stick to your preparation schedule. The most important habit to cultivate for JEE is daily study and practice.
- Make a JEE study program or schedule. Do not adhere to other students’ schedules. Determine your most productive hours and structure your day appropriately. Make certain you meet your weekly goals.
- Simple fundamental notions should be understood before moving on to more sophisticated concepts. It’s simpler to understand and remember new concepts when they’re presented in a way that builds on prior topics/concepts.
- Clear your doubts as soon as possible. If you don’t comprehend something, keep asking your teacher the same question.
- Take your homework/assignments seriously and do them on time. Don’t overlook what’s going on in your coaching right now if you want to strengthen past concepts or backlogs. It should be your top priority to complete your present tasks and homework on time.
- When taking a practice test, you will almost certainly offer incorrect answers. The goal is to not only complete the test but also to analyze it on the same day for errors and flaws. If you follow this technique, you will see a significant improvement with each test you take during your JEE preparation.
- Make a mental note of everything. When you write something down rather than reading it from a book, you always remember it better. Never try to reproduce the book’s precise text. Read them out loud, then write them down in your own words. Consistent revision is required for effective preparedness. Your notes will come in handy when it comes time to revise.
Don’t be a rule breaker!
- Don’t be late; instead, be early to the meeting location, as the examination hall will open two and a half hours before the exam begins. The candidates will be frisked using metal detectors during this extra time. You could lose a lot of time if you arrive late since you might miss part of the exam instructions that are announced in the examination hall.
- Avoid last-minute studying because it will only add to your mental stress. You must be at ease.
- Make no comparisons between your preparation and that of others. Each of them may have gone about preparing for the test differently, employing different tactics.
- A calculator, pen, slide rules, log tables, electronic watches, any printed or written piece of paper, mobile phones, pagers, or any other device should not be brought to the exam center.
- To the examination venue, you must just bring your JEE Main 2021 Admit Card.
- Make sure you don’t eat or smoke in the exam room and don’t bring any food with you. It isn’t the appropriate location to do so.
- Procrastination: Procrastination is a bad habit that you should avoid in your JEE preparation. Working and completing tasks on time is a habit that will help you achieve your objective. Clear your doubts as soon as possible.
- Excessive television/social media use: Avoid doing anything that would waste your time; JEE preparation requires your full attention and concentration; the rest may wait.
- Reading an excessive number of books: Quality trumps quantity. Your chances of passing JEE are not proportionate to the number of books you read. You must be informed of the syllabus and avoid questions that are beyond the level of the exam.
- Not allowing for flexibility: While your timetable should ideally cover all courses, it’s fine to move on to another subject when your mind indicates it’s had enough of one subject for the day. As long as you do your daily work/assignment, the adjustment is good. If long study hours make you tired, take a little break after 45–60 minutes of studying to boost your productivity.
- Only mugging and a lack of conceptual understanding: Don’t make things up. Unless it’s a chemical section or simple formulas, avoid cramming.
- Using simply self-study as a source of information: There is a reason why students who pass JEE give credit where credit is due to their coaches and lecturers. Teachers in coaching have a lot of experience in helping students prepare for JEE exams. They will clear up any doubts you may have, rectify any errors you may have made, and point you on the best route to attain your goals.
- Skipping lectures or coaching sessions is a big no-no. Some of the people in my coaching program skipped some classes because they were absent from an earlier class. As a result, they are having difficulty grasping the concept and have decided to pursue self-study for that subject. I refuse to miss any classes or ideas. By putting things off till later, you’re merely making more work for yourself.
- If you’re depressed because of poor exam results, remember that each test will help you better. The purpose of monthly or practice examinations is to assess your understanding and learning. It’s a method of learning from your errors.
- Putting too much pressure on yourself: Don’t put too much pressure on yourself. It will be beneficial to you if you approach the exam with a positive attitude. Avoid making foolish blunders in practice tests and on exam day.
- Inadequate Plan and Planning- It is critical to developing a sound strategy. I used to make a weekly calendar since I think it’s doable. Also, a lack of planning and studying on the spur of the moment will not yield positive outcomes. When one adheres to a strict schedule, he may find himself answering more questions than usual. However, I strongly advise you to never overwork yourself and to prepare for adequate rest in between your studies.
- Procrastination is, in my opinion, a form of self-harm. If one procrastinates, loses focus, and believes that they will be able to cover it later, that day will never come. There will be a lot of unfinished work, and you may not have time to study such things.
- Taking Mock Exams and Using Last Year’s Paper- Competitive tests not only measure your knowledge but also how well you approach your paper and manage your time throughout an examination. As a result, make sure you practice enough mock exams to become familiar with the format of the competitive exam.
- Following the strategies of others Blindly- Students often believe that if they can top this method, they would be the best. However, it is not required that their weak topics are the same as yours. Optics may have been simple for him, but you must practice more and commit a lot more effort. As a result, pay attention to other suggestions but stick to what works for you.
- Not doing what you enjoy – Rewarding yourself for meeting a minor daily or weekly goal is necessary. These minor achievements will encourage you to keep going.
- Negative Comments Affecting You- People who doubt your talents don’t deserve to be in your life. Surround yourself with people who will motivate you to do more. Finally, when preparing, have faith in yourself, practice a lot, and get your doubts addressed.
JEE Main 2021- Do’s and Don’ts for Paper-1 (Mains)
- To arrive on time since no candidate will be permitted to enter the examination venue after the exam has begun under any circumstances.
- Keep your admission card on you at all times.
- Examine the functioning conditions of the system that was assigned to you.
- You must ensure that all of the information on the attendance sheet is correct and that signatures are placed in the appropriate column.
- Before the exam begins, carefully read all of the marking instructions listed on the computer.
- You must produce your admit card anytime the invigilator requests it. So keep it safe with you at all times.
- Don’t forget to sign the Attendance Sheet where it belongs.
- In the space provided on the Attendance Sheet, you must also imprint your left-hand thumb impression.
- Follow the invigilator’s instructions at the start of the exam, halfway during the exam, and just before the exam ends.
- If you seek relaxation under the PwD category, bring a copy of the PwD certificate in the required format issued by the Competent Authority.
- Don’t bring anything into the exam room with you, not even a pen.
- When reading the exam instructions, take your time. Slowly and attentively read them.
- Don’t bring any forbidden things with you.
- Don’t waste time answering questions you don’t understand or spending too much time on a single question.
- Even after you have finished the exam, do not leave the examination hall. Wait till the exam period is ended.
JEE Main 2021- Do’s and Don’ts for Paper-2 (B.Arch)
The majority of the Do’s for Paper 2 are similar to those for Paper 1. The following are the ones that are different from Paper 2:
- Do your best to approach the paper calmly.
- For aptitude examinations in Architecture, bring your own geometry box set, pencils, erasers, and colored pencils or crayons.
Don’ts for both papers are the same.
Providing you with these do’s and don’ts is a little effort on the part of Exampraxis to ensure that your exam-taking experience is stress-free and that you can concentrate on delivering your best in the test. As a result, attentively follow these directions and maintain your composure. Also, keep in mind that this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for you while you prepare for the national engineering admission exam. As a result, make it the greatest it can be for you!